i want it. you want it. let's go.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

STARS Add SoCal Dates to Fall Concert Calendar

Montreal's STARS have announced two Southern California shows (to replace their cancelled Aug. 25th Ford Anson Amphitheater date). 
Check out the Arts & Crafts kids as they do their melodramatic indie-pop-rock thing at Hollywood's Avalon or at the Anaheim House of Blues. I HIGHLY recommend it!

Stars @ Avalon, Oct. 1
General public onsale is 6/27 @ 10am. Tickets are $25 (plus service charges).

Stars @ House of Blues Anaheim, Oct. 2
HOB Member presale is 6/25 @ 10am. General public onsale is 6/28 @ 10am. Tickets are $20 (plus service charges).