i want it. you want it. let's go.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

SIGUR ROS Update and Sundance's North American Premiere of Heina

check out the latest from Sigur Ros

The cut-off date for getting your name printed in the special edition
is this Friday, July 11th. Anyone ordering the full monty version of
*/Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust/* from www.sigurros.com

before the end of the week will be included in the list of fine
folks who pledged allegiance to this ambitious undertaking before
even we knew what exactly was going to be in it. Thanks!

For those wanting to see more, here is a wee taster of the Making
Of... DVD
included in the special edition.

Oh, and if you live in North America, the Sundance Channel are having
the television premier of Heima this Friday look here:
Be sure to catch sigur ros on tour this summer and fall!!!