The folks at Dim Mak, BPM, and Kr3w return this Sunday for another amazing lineup at LAX w/guest artists JAMES PANTS, DJ Anonymous and more!!
Read the details:
The BANANA is back this week with more mindsexing DJ sets from James Pants and DJ Anoymous! Peep the flyer, right here, son! Check out our myspace at www.myspace.com/bananasplitsundaes ... So lace up your Chuck Taylors to the top grommet because we're back again this Sunday At LAX for our weekly BANANA SPLIT presented by Kr3w, BPM Magazine and Dim Mak and turned out by resident Disc Jockeys DJ AM, STEVE AOKI, and your boy THEE MIKE B!
Free keg of beer on the dancefloor!
RSVP @ partyline@dimmak.com
Those with a facebook account can check the Banana Sundaes event page here.
You can also RSVP through BPM's link HERE to the Memorial Sundae festivities... Fun!