via the band's MySpace page:
Enter HERE to win a pair of tickets to see MGMT with Beck this fall
Of course, yesterday the band also posted a blog announcing a possible tour-ending injury to its drummer (aka 50% of MGMT) which would wipe out next week's LA shows at the Fonda and Hollywood Bowl... And it would give me two less reasons to live. Fingers crossed for a speedy healing (or heel-ing... see pic ;)
here's the band's blog post:
Tragedy strikes!! "Breaking" NewsOh Fuck! MGMT Drummer Will Berman's Heel is seriously f'd.Check it out:::According to Will, he injured it when "jumping from the curb to the street," says Will.Sadly, Tomorrow's SoCo Music Experience show is cancelled. Sorry! Pray for Will's health and that the x-rays don't show any fractures, otherwise it's goodbye MGMT forever. The Heel bone, scientifically connected to the leg bone, is a very difficult bone break to mend. A heel is like a wheel, they say.if YOU bend it,
Also, contrary to another internet rumor, though they be rad dudes, the Chemical Brothers will not be producing MGMT's next album.
despite playing with a trained speed flying falcon, it is a very sad day.